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The Concept of Competencies: Tool for Employee Development in Modern Enterprises

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Although the notion of competencies is not a new concept, it is now becoming increasingly relevant. This is also evidenced by the World Economic Forum's themes and documents that have focused intensively on competencies in recent years (The Future of Jobs Report 2020).

This is due to the current high level of environmental uncertainty, the development of artificial intelligence and others, which point precisely to the importance of targeted development of the quality of human resources in terms of competency. It is competencies that will enable greater flexibility in responding to changing environments and employment circumstances.

The aim of the text is to comprehensively introduce the concept and notion of competencies and competency models with emphasis on their use in working with people in the modern environment. Therefore, in order to be able to work effectively with competencies in a business environment, it is necessary to understand the concept of competencies in depth.

The text returns to the explanation and appropriate methodical understanding of the concept of competency so that it can be used precisely when working with people in real life. Their simple, user-friendly and at the same time, specific structure and content is essential for the use of competency models across personnel processes.

Only by naming the specific manifestations of behavior hidden behind the name of a specific competency can we appropriately assess, evaluate and develop it.