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Spectral and dynamical study of nonlinear luminescence from silicon nanocrystals excited by ultrashort pulses

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


We report on the spectral and dynamical properties of photoluminescence (PL) under ultrashort (femtosecond and picosecond) laser pulse excitation in Si nanocrystals prepared by Si -ion implantation into a silica matrix. We concentrate on the luminescence properties that make it possible to distinguish several luminescence bands within a broad luminescence spectrum.

In time-integrated luminescence, saturation-related changes suggest a presence of two different recombination channels connected to the nanocrystal volume states and the nanocrystal-SiO2 interface. The saturation of the luminescence can be explained in terms of Auger recombination.

We investigated in detail fast sub-nanosecond luminescence, where significant differences were observed under UV excitation (linear pump-intensity dependence, PL maximum at 450 nm) and for the excitation wavelengths in the visible part of the spectrum (superlinear pump-intensity dependence, broad luminescence band including wavelengths as short as 300 nm).