We present the development of collimated bipolar jets from the symbiotic prototype Z And that appeared and disappeared during its 2006 outburst. We monitored the outburst with optical high-resolution spectroscopy and multicolor UBVR C photometry.
In 2006 July, Z And reached its historical maximum at U ~ 8.0. After ~1 mag decline in mid-August, it kept its brightness at a high level of U ~ 9 up to 2007 January.
During this period, rapid photometric variations with deltam ~ 0.06 mag on the timescale of hours developed. Simultaneously, high-velocity satellite components appeared on both sides of the Haplha and Hbeta emission line profiles.
Their presence was transient, being detected to the end of 2006. They were launched asymmetrically with a red/blue velocity ratio of 1.2-1.3.