Chemistry transport models normally apply instantaneous mixing of emissions into the model's finest resolved scale, resulting often in erroneous calculation of concentrations. This study deals with these non-linear effects during dispersion of NOx emissions from ships.
We found that the contribution of ship induced surface NOx to the total reaches 90% over remote ocean and makes 10–30% near coastal regions. Due to ship emissions, surface ozone increases by up to 4–6 ppbv making 10% contribution to the surface ozone budget.With the ship plume parameterization, the large scale NOx decreases and the ship NOx contribution is reduced by up to 20–25%.
A decrease was found in the case of O3 as well. The plume parameterization suppressed the ship ozone production by 15–30%.
Nitrogen monoxide measurements were compared with modeled values showing increase in model accuracy with activated parameterization.