Rom 9:30 10:10 is a central part of Paul?s exposition on the theme, why the refusal of Messiah Jesus by Israel cannot be understood as a failure of the word of God (Rom 9 11). In this not so easy text the exegetes find ambiguous expressions causing diverse conclusions in their interpretation.
In the text in question Rom 10:4 has an important function, as the analysis of literary and rhetorical structure demonstrates. The expression te,loj no,mou has been explained in the sense ?end, cessation of the law? or ?goal, fulfillment of the law?.
Some authors accept both meanings together. This paper demonstrates the preference of the latter meaning which influences interpretation of the following two quotations from the Old Testament (Lev 18:5 in Rom 10:5 and Deut 30:12-14 in Rom 10:6-8).
They are read not in contraposition but rather in progressive fulfillment of the Torah in Christ.