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Solovjov´s research in czech letters

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The Ideas of Vladimir Solovjov inspired Czech Literatures from the beginning of 20th century. During Austria-Hungary he was introduced in several symposiums and bibliographies (such as Ottův slovník naučný, Bibliografie české katolické literatury náboženské od roku 1828 do konce roku 1913), in magazines (such as Časopis katolického duchovenstva, Museum, Hlídka, Slovanský přehled) and in the fist monograph of Karel Jindrich.

During the First Republic Solovjov?s Research was mentioned in the magazines (such as Apoštolát sv. Cyrila a Metoděje pod ochranou bl.

Panny Marie, Jitro) and prompted the following personalities: Emanuel Chalupny, Ladislav Klima, Frantisek Krejci, Tomas Masaryk and Vincent Porizka. The Renaissance of Solovjev?s Research after the Velvety Revolution is in conjunction with activities of publisher house Refugium