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Mutual relationships of profane and sacral architecture of the 13. century in the czech and austrian lands presentation of a bilateral research project.

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The entry is defining the basic conditions for the interdisciplinarity and internationality of the whole research, and the necessity of a parallel survey on the profane level, and is linking up the main subject of the project to a wider context of the Central European integration processes in the early and high middle ages from there results the necessity of secondary studies on the Central European long term basic structures and frame developments from the 10. to the middle of 13. cent., as like as of historiographic context-studies to the reign of king Přemysl Otakar II. (12521278). In this way there is defined the basic problem of the project: the forms of expression of the Central European integration processes in the sacral and profane architecture and the settlement, urban, social and legal patterns in the Czech and Austrian towns mainly of the 3. quarter of the 13. cent.