A 62 year old patient with a severe form of haemophilia A underwent liver transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma. Before the transplantation, a single bolus dose of 4 000 units of factor VIII concentrate was applied to the patient.
During the transplantation, the patient received 17 transfusion units of fresh frozen plasma. Over the course of the transplantation and in the following days, factor VIII blood levels oscillated between 120 and 240 %.
Recurring abdominal bleeding from the 6th to 17th postoperative day was not cau-sed by a blood coagulation disorder. Unlike other described cases, our patient was not given factor VIII concentrate during the operation.
A single bolus dose of the concentrate and fresh frozen plasma during the course of transplantation was enough to maintain adequate factor VIII levels until synthesis of endogenous factor VIII commenced in the transplanted liver.