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Spontaneuos bacterial peritonitis in the Czech Republic: prevalence and aetiology

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence and detailed data concerning the incidence of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis in the Czech Republic. Ninety-nine patients with liver cirrhosis and ascites were examined.

Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis was diagnosed in 35 patients (35.4%). It was revealed more often in patients with alcoholic aetiology of cirrhosis whose anamnesis involved sub-febrile or febrile states and the deterioration of ascites.

Elevated serum leucocyte counts and increased levels of C-reactive protein can contribute to the diagnosis. A low level of total protein and albumin in ascites predisposes to the increase of this infection.

The reduction of the platelet count in a set of patients with spontaneous bacterial peritonitis indicates the influence of portal hypertension in the aetiology of the disease.