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Transsection by means of needle sphincterotome followed by the unroofing technique for endoscopic therapy of a large colonic lipoma

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


Gastrointestinal lipomas are usually asymptomatic, detected incidentally. However they can cause severe symptoms such as obstruction, invagination, and bleeding.

The case of an 86-year old man with infarcted large colonic lipoma is described. A transsection of the infarcted polyp by needle sphincterotome (needle knife) was done, followed by polypectomy of the upper part of the tumour.

Cutting the lipoma body (unroofing technique) allowed flow out of adipose tissue from the lipoma. Rapid clinical improvement was achieved.

No remnants of the lipoma were found on control endoscopy two months later. : Colonic lipoma, endoscopic treatment, needle sphicterotome.