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Risk factors of metabolic estrogen-deficiency syndrom and its relationship to hormone replacement therapy

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


The aim of the study was to review health state in postmenopausal women with long- -term hormone replacement therapy and compare it with health state of control group without hormone replacement therapy. We focused on metabolic estrogen-defi ciency syndrom and its in- fl uence on risk of cardiovascular disease, risk of osteoporosis and memory dysfunction.

Our results indicate that use of hormone replacement therapy in postmenopausal women may be of benefi t in cardiovascular risk factors. We found protective role of HT on decrease of bone mineral density in lumbal spine.

We didn't prove this infl uence in hip. There is no evidence of HT infl uence on memory dysfunction.

We did not register any heart attack, stroke and breast cancer under long-term treatment. Conclusion: Women with hormone replacement therapy have less of cardiovascular risk factors and better status of mineral bone density than women in control group.