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Our ten-year clinical experience with Meckel´s diverticulum scintigraphy

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


Ectopic gastric mucosa may be present in the Meckel?s diverticulum and associated with peptic ulcer and lower gastrointestinal bleeding. Scintigraphy by means of 99mTc-pertechnetate can help to make diagnosis of ectopic gastric mucosa.

Eighty patients underwent Meckel?s diverticulum scintigraphy at our department within the last ten years. All patients were presented with melaena or haematochezia and anaemia.

In children, scintigraphy was the examination of first choice. In adults, previous gastroscopy, colonoscopy and enteroclysis were done with negative results.

Three patients, two boys and one girl had positive scintigraphy. All children underwent surgery and Meckel?s diverticulum with ectopic gastric mucosa were detected and confirmed by histology.

Meckel?s diverticulum scintigraphy can help to detect ectopic gastric mucosa and improve management of the disease.