As a part of the grant ?Contrast-enhanced MRI versus thallium myocardial perfusion SPECT in detection of viable left ventricle myocardium before coronary artery bypass graft (CABG)? the reproducibility of rest equilibrium ECG gated radionuclide ventriculography (RNV) was evaluated. Since all patients in this study underwent coronary angiography with X-ray ventriculography, the authors could perform a comparison of left ventricle ejection fraction (EF) between radionuclide and X-ray ventriculography.
The juxtaposition of measurement of the left ventricle ejection fraction (RNV ejekčversus X-ray ventriculography) by limits of agreement was performed. Reproducibility of RNV was very good (4 % on both sides).
The agreement between EF 1 RNV and X-ray ventriculography (20 % on both sides) or EF 2 RNV and X-ray ventriculography (22 % on both sides) was not very good.