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A Longitudinal Study of Selected Indicators of Sustainable Development for the Czech Republic: the District and City of Hradec Králové ( The Incidence Trends of Registered Cancer Cases)

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


In our study we monitored 15 indicators and their 38 indices in district and city of Hradec Králové and in the Czech Republic. We identified the accessibility of indicators for the monitored regions over the last 20 years and assessed their reliability.

We also analyzed the time trends of all the monitored indicators. For the purpose of this article we chose to describe the problems of malignant neoplasms out of a broad scale of all the monitored indicators.

The incidence trends of all registered cancer cases and the trends of registered cases of eight selected diagnosis for males and females separately, were studied in the Czech Republic and Hradec Kralove district from 1980 to 2000.