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Origins and Characterization of Central Asian Islamic Reform Movement (Jadidism):Education, Publicism, Theatre

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


This paper deals with Islam reform social movement named jadidism spread in the area of Central Asia since the end of the 19th till the first two decades of the 20th century. The raise of the movement is viewed from the cultural, economical and historical perspective as an endeavor to cope with russian hegemony and european industrial advancement.

The study is focused especially on the influence of jadidism in the educational system, publicism and theatre performance. In regard of the educational aspect, the paper deals with the term „Usuly Jadid“, that become to mean a new method of education in the islamic schools maktabs a madrasahs.

Jadidism is also viewed as a political and national demand, that considerably contributed to the emancipation movement in Central Asia. Geographically is paper focused on specifical regional circumstances of jadidism in area of the Turkenstan, Bukhara emirat and khanat in Khiva.