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Augustin and his writing in so called first reformation In Jan Hus (John Huss), Mikuláš Biskupec of Pelhřimov (Nicolaus Pilgramensis) and Jan Rokycana (John of Rokycan)

Publication at Protestant Theological Faculty |


This article presents a study of the way how three chosen authorities of the first reformation explicitly build on the work of Augustine (quotes, references or explicit allusions). Namely: Jan Hus (John Huss) and his writings De ecclesia and Faith, Decalog and Lord's prayer.

Secondly Mikuláš Biskupec z Pelhřimova (in Latin: Nicolaus Pilgramensis) and his Confession and Apology of Taborites. Thirdly selected sermons of Jan Rokycana (John of Rokycan).

First there is overall description of their work with church fathers, then study of their use of Augustine based on a selected part of the writing. At the end the article contain comparison of Augustine and these authorities in their treatment of the church.

Article proves that Augustine is the most quoted church father in first reformation. The analysis also shows that Augustine has greatest influence on the Jan Hus.

Mikuláš stresses the authority of the Scripture so much that it is not clear which church father influenced him most. Augustine is the most frequently quoted church father by Jan Rokycana as well, but without any special influence on his theology.