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Between Serf Town and "Free Upper and Residential" Town : Notes on History of Český Krumlov around 1710

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The history of Český Krumlov in the 17th and 18th century is affected by the conflict between the town and the noble owners of the domain of Český Krumlov to which the town belonged. The nobility was trying to control the town administration, while the local representatives insisted on maintainig its relative autonomy.

The relation to noble authority divided meanwhile the inhabitants. The confessional division of the late 16th century was in the middle of the following century non-existent.

The division of the town's population by language became evident during the language conflict concerning the sermon in the second half of the 17th and at the beginning of the 18th century. In the article, the history of Český Krumlov is also compared with their contemporary presentation in the (partly edited) manuscript of the municipal greffier J.

F. A.

Tschernichen (1712).