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Surgical treatment of ischemic heart disease and diabetes mellitus

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové |


At present, treatment of IHD is relatively frequently surgical. Approximately every fourth patient undergoing surgery for IHD is a diabetic.

The surgery itself does not differ from non-diabetic patients except for the specific preparation of a diabetic patient with respect to glycaemia control and with respect to metabolic demands associated with the surgical intervention. Furthermore, long-term survival in diabetic patients is shorter, particularly due to more rapidly progressing atherosclerosis.

The outcomes of IHD treatment in diabetic patients might improve when these well-known issues are fully acknowledged. The best possible diabetes treatment might contribute to this.

Surgical treatment of IHD, particularly arterial grafting and use of as gentle as possible approaches (myocardial revascularization from mini-invasive entry pathways, possibly without extracorporeal circulation) also encompass great potential for outcome improvement.