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Fan-Like Structure in Central Part of the Snieznik Dome - A Result of Episodic Exhumation
2003 |
Faculty of Science
Exhumation of the Blanský Les Granulite Massif as a Result of Oblique Thrusting and Crustal-Scale Buckling
2003 |
Faculty of Science
Exhumation of Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe: verification of identity and determination of cause of death
2019 |
Faculty of Science
Magma emplacement during exhumation of lower- to mid-crustal orogenic root: the Jihlava syenitoid pluton, Moldanubian Unit, Bohemian Massif
2006 |
Faculty of Science
Chronological constraints on the pre-orogenic history, burial and exhumation of deep-seated rocks along the eastern margin of the Variscan orogen, Bohemian massif, Czech Republic
2005 |
Faculty of Science
High-temperature overprint in (U)HPM rocks exhumed from subduction zones; A product of isothermal decompression or a consequence of slab break-off (slab rollback)?
2020 |
Faculty of Science
From subduction channel to orogenic wedge: Exhumation recorded by orthogneiss microstructures in Erzgebirge, Bohemian Massif
2021 |
Faculty of Science
Alpine burial and heterogeneous exhumation of Variscan crust in the West Carpathians: insight from thermodynamic and argon diffusion modelling
2008 |
Faculty of Science
Structures related to the exhumation of HP rocks within the orogenic root domain: examples of the SE moldanubian zone and the eastern Snieznik dome
2001 |
Faculty of Science
A Mechanism for Syn-Convergent Exhumation of HP Granulites in the Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic: Geochronological, Structural and Petrological Constraints
2003 |
Faculty of Science
Carboniferous exhumation of thickened lower crust through wedge tectonics and subsequent lateral spreading in the middle crust: Moldanubian zone of the Bohemian Massif
2003 |
Faculty of Science
The impact of earthquakes on orogen-scale exhumation
2020 |
Faculty of Science
Heat sources and trigger mechanisms of exhumation of HP granulites inVariscan orogenic root
2011 |
Faculty of Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Rate of erosion and exhumation of crystalline rocks in the Hunza Karakoram defined by apatite fission track analysis
2014 |
Faculty of Science, Central Library of Charles University
Magma chamber construction during crustal thickening and subsequent exhumation: An example of interplay between magmatic and tectonic processes from the Central Bohemian Batholith (Bohemian Massif)
2002 |
Faculty of Science
Prograde and retrograde metamorphic fabrics - a key for understanding burial and exhumation in orogens (Bohemian Massif)
2011 |
Faculty of Science
Model of syn-convergent extrusion of orogenic lower crust in the core of the Variscan belt: implications for exhumation of high-pressure rocks in large hot orogens
2011 |
Faculty of Science
Thermal evolution of the orogenic lower crust during exhumation within a thickened Moldanubian orogenic root of the Variscan belt of Central Europe
2006 |
Faculty of Science
Two-stage exhumation of subducted Saxothuringian continental crust records underplating in the subduction channel and collisional forced folding (Krkonoše-Jizera Mts., Bohemian Massif)
2016 |
Faculty of Science
Vertical extrusion and horizontal channel flow of orogenic lower crust: key exhumation mechanisms in large hot orogens?
2008 |
Faculty of Science, Central Library of Charles University
Fan-Like Structure in Central Part of the Snieznik Dome - A Result of Episodic Exhumation
2003 |
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, First Faculty of Medicine
Exhumation from the aspect of a forensic expert
2000 |
Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Exhumation of the Blanský Les Granulite Massif as a Result of Oblique Thrusting and Crustal-Scale Buckling
2003 |
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, First Faculty of Medicine
Dating the onset of Variscan crustal exhumation in the core of the Bohemian Massif: new U-Pb single zircon ages from the high-K calc-alkaline granodiorites of the Blatná suite, Central Bohemian Plutonic Complex
2010 |
Faculty of Science
Primary magnetic fabric in an ultramafic body (Moldanubian Zone, European Variscides) survives exhumation-related granulite-amphibolite facies metamorphism
2009 |
Faculty of Science
Rapid burial and exhumation during orogeny: Thickening and synconvergent exhumation of thermally weakened and thinned crust (variscan orogen in western Europe)
2002 |
Faculty of Science
Kinematic and rheological model of exhumation of high pressure granulites in the Variscan orogenic root: example of the Blansky les granulite, Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic
2006 |
Faculty of Science
Thermal evolution and exhumation in obliquely convergent (transpressive) orogens
1997 |
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, First Faculty of Medicine
A Mechanism for Syn-Convergent Exhumation of HP Granulites in the Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic: Geochronological, Structural and Petrological Constraints
2003 |
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, First Faculty of Medicine
Tectonic evolution of a continental magmatic arc from transpression in the upper crust to exhumation of mid-crustal orogenic root recorded by episodically emplaced plutons: the Central Bohemian Plutonic Complex (Bohemian Massif)
2005 |
Faculty of Science