Search for publications relevant for "Wolters"
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Richard A. Epstein: Law, economics and politics. Prague: Wolters Kluwer Czech Republic, 2010, 288 pp
2012 |
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Robert Pelikán: Legal personality. Wolters Kluwer ČR, Praha 2012, 188 stran, 293 CZK
2013 |
Faculty of Law
Overview of case law in matters of civil obligations Wolters Kluwer CR, as, Prague 2010, 1156 pages, 1298 CZK
2011 |
Faculty of Law
Jakub Morávek: Privacy in labor relations. Wolters Kluwer ČR, Praha 2013, 436 pages, 590 CZK
2013 |
Faculty of Law
J. Švestka, J. Dvořák, J. Fiala et al .: Civil Code. Comment. Volume I. Wolters Kluwer, as, Praha 2014.1736 parties CZK 2,490
2014 |
Faculty of Law
Pavel Ondřejek: The Conception of Law as a System. Prague: Wolters Kluwer CZ, 2020, 272 pp.
2021 |
Faculty of Law
Usury - crime and social phenomenon (JUDr. Ladislav Koudelka "Usury - crime and social phenomenon". Prague, Czech Republic Wolters Kluwer, Inc., 2014)
2014 |
Faculty of Law
Herczeg, J., Hilgendorf, E., Gřivna, T. (Ed.): Internet crime and new challenges of the information society of the 21st century, Prague, Wolters Kluwer, 2010, 1st Edition, 150 s.
2011 |
Faculty of Law
Vojáček, L.: The first law of Czechoslovakia: an attempt at belated commentary. Prague: Wolters Kluwer, 2018, 379 s.
2019 |
Faculty of Law
Kluknavská, A. - Sabján, N.: Marx. Marxism. Selected problems of the state and law. Prague: Wolters Kluwer CR, 2022, 132 p
2023 |
Faculty of Law
J. Švestka, J. Dvořák, J. Fiala, M. Zuklínová, H. New, D. Elischer, O. Frinta, D. Frintová: Civil Code. Comment. Volume III. Wolters Kluwer, as, Praha 2014, 1328 pages, 2490 CZK
2014 |
Faculty of Law
J. Lasák, J. Pokorná, Z. Čáp, T. Doležil a kol.: Business Corporations Act. Comment Wolters Kluwer, a. S., Prague 2014
2015 |
Faculty of Law
Šmejkal, V., Dufková, B. Soutěžní právo EU. Casebook: rozsudky SDEU 2006-2020. Praha: Wolters Kluwer, 2021, 516 s.
2021 |
Faculty of Law, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
J. Herczeg, E. Hilgendorf, T. Gřivna (Hrsg.): Neue Herausforderungen Internetkriminalität und der Informationsgesellschaft des 21st Jahrhunderts Wolters Kluwer CR as, Prague 2010, 156 pages, 359 CZK
2011 |
Faculty of Law
J. Švestka, J. Dvořák, J. Fiala, M. Zuklínová, H. New, D. Elischer, O. Frinta, D. Frintová: Civil Code. Comment. Volume II. (§ 655-975) Wolters Kluwer, as, Praha 2014, 752 pages, 1268 CZK
2014 |
Faculty of Law
Jindřiška Syllová, Miroslav Sylla: Ústava České republiky 1992. Dokumenty a ohlasy. Praha: Wolters Kluwer, 2018, 672 str.
2019 |
Faculty of Law
Review. Jakub Sivák. Pillars and limits of personality protection not only in the twenty-first century. Prague: Wolters Kluwer ČR, 2023, 296 pages
2023 |
Faculty of Law
J. Baxa, O. Dráb, L. Kaniová, P. Lavický, A. Schiller, K. Šimek, M. Žišková: Tax Regulations. Commentary Wolters Kluwer CR, as, Prague 2011, 3 volumes, 1880 pages, 2635 CZK.
2011 |
Faculty of Law
Stelmach Jerzy. Art of Manipulation. Varsav: Wolters Kluwer, 2018, p . 120
2021 |
Faculty of Law
FRINTA, O. A Contract for the Carriage of a Person under a New Private Law. Praha: Wolters Kluwer ČR, 2018, 312 s
2019 |
Faculty of Law
Ladislav VOJÁČEK, The First Czechoslovac Law. Pokus o opožděný komentář, Praha: Wolters Kluwer ČR, 2018, 392 s
2019 |
Faculty of Law
Review of the monograph Lucie Novotná Krtoušová, Liability of Members of the Governing Bodies of Juristic Persons, Wolters Kluwer ČR, Praha, 2019
2019 |
Faculty of Law
Review of the book: Liability for environmental damages in civil law. Authors: Jindřich Psutka, publ. Wolters Kluwer, 2011 ISBN 978-80-7357-559-5
2012 |
Faculty of Law
David Kosař, Marek Antoš, Zdeněk Kühn, Ladislav Vyhnánek: Constitutional Law. Casebook. Praha: Wolters Kluwer, 2014, 635 str.
2015 |
Faculty of Law
Duty and liability in substantive and procedural civil law - Special issues. SEDLÁČEK, M., STŘELEČEK, T. a kol. Praha: Wolters Kluwer ČR, 2021, s. 388
2022 |
Faculty of Law
Slezáková A., Hajnišová, E., Mikloš, P. a kol.: A limited liability company carrying on the business of an independent financial agent. Bratislava: Wolters Kluwer, 2023, 184 pp.
2023 |
Faculty of Law
Mareš Miroslav - Novák Daniel. Ústavní zákon o bezpečnosti České republiky: Komentář. Praha: Wolters Kluwer ČR, 2019, 236 s.
2020 |
Faculty of Law
LAVICKÝ, P., Polišenský, P. The case law to the recodification. Donation, purchase and exchange. Praha: Wolters Kluwer CR, 2016 300 s
2016 |
Faculty of Law
Šišková, Naděžda (ed.). The European Union - What is Next? Köln: Wolters Kluwer, 2018, 348 pp.
2019 |
Faculty of Law