Search for publications relevant for "kohorta"
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Is the prevalence of psoriasis increasing? A 30-year follow-up of a population-based cohort
2013 |
Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
The basic concepts and principles of the construction of age-period-cohort models
2015 |
Faculty of Science, Central Library of Charles University
Psoriasis treat to target: defining outcomes in psoriasis using data from a real-world, population-based cohort study (the British Association of Dermatologists Biologics and Immunomodulators Register, BADBIR)
2020 |
Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Using the whole cohort in the analysis of case-cohort data
2009 |
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
A new cohort study does not prove worse gastrointestinal tolerance of piroxicam.
2008 |
First Faculty of Medicine
Mortality Of Cohort of Very Young Injecting Drug Users in Prague, 1996-2010
2011 |
First Faculty of Medicine
Risk of depression in women with psoriasis: a cohort study
2016 |
Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Gut microbiota dysbiosis in a cohort of patients with psoriasis
2020 |
Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Cohort study of ankylosing spondylitis in the central Europe region: disease activity, ways of treatment and possibilities of biological therapy application
2008 |
First Faculty of Medicine
Treatment of patients with botulinum toxin: a multicenter prospective cohort study
2003 |
First Faculty of Medicine
The first one-year data from the prospective observational study of post-covid patients outcomes in the cohort of patients from the first wave of covid-19 in the Hradec Králové region
2022 |
First Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové
Application of the survival analysis on the basis of individual historical data. Case study: Marriage cohorts in Jablonec nad Nisou in the 18th century
2015 |
Faculty of Science
Suicidality of problem gamblers in the context of psychiatric comorbidity: Cohort mortality study
2015 |
First Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
Association between psoriasis and inflammatory bowel disease: a Danish nationwide cohort study
2017 |
Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Allergy to egg in the cohort of 80 Czech infants with food allergy and the natural history of egg allergy
2019 |
Second Faculty of Medicine
Characteristics of the Czech cohort of patients with familial dysbetalipoproteinemia and evaluation of the applicability of diagnostic algorithms in clinical practice
2022 |
First Faculty of Medicine
Cost-savings of adalimumab in hidradenitis suppurativa: a retrospective analysis of a real-world cohort
2019 |
Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Low incidence of adenocarcinoma and high-grade intraepithelial neoplasia in patients with Barrett's esophagus: a prospective cohort study.
2008 |
First Faculty of Medicine
Results of Czech part of International SAHA Project II.: Descriptive analysis of risky behaviors and risk and protective factors of development of youth from urban areas from the point of view of age cohorts
Publication without faculty affiliation
Reconstruction of the posterior and central compartment with the Prolift Posterior: cohort study with a 5-year follow-up
2017 |
Central Library of Charles University, Third Faculty of Medicine
Results of Czech part of International SAHA Project III.: Descriptive analysis of risky behaviors and risk and protective factors of development of youth from urban areas from the point of view of age cohorts
Publication without faculty affiliation
Personal history of psoriasis and risk of incident cancer among women: a population-based cohort study
2016 |
Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Purpose of the study - The aim of our study was to evaluace the impact of Neodoplpasse infusion postoperatively on the clot forming process
2017 |
Second Faculty of Medicine
Spectrum of MRI findings of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy in patients with multiple sclerosis in the Czech Republic
2019 |
First Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Central Library of Charles University, Second Faculty of Medicine, Third Faculty of Medicine
Analysis of postoperative complications after open scar hernia hernioplasty – a retrospective analysis of a patient cohort
2022 |
Central Library of Charles University, Third Faculty of Medicine
Cohort study of malignancies and hospitalized infectious events in treated and untreated patients with psoriasis and a general population in the United States
2016 |
Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Výsledky léčených hypertoniků ve věku osmdesát a více let: kohortová analýza 79 376 osob : komentář
2017 |
First Faculty of Medicine
Identifying demographic, social and clinical predictors of biologic therapy effectiveness in psoriasis: a multicentre longitudinal cohort study
2019 |
Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
The results of five years follow-up prospective study of vaginal prolapse repaired by prolift total mesh surgery or sacrospinous fixation
2017 |
Central Library of Charles University, Third Faculty of Medicine
Are women's attitudes towards pregnancy, childbirth and motherhood associated with length of labour?
2017 |
Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Faculty of Arts